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How to manage WhatsApp for Customer Service at scale

The WhatsApp Business App was originally created for small businesses, with a low number of support requests. It is designed to be used on a single device, which is perfect for smaller organisations looking to manage a low volume of customer enquiries. But, WhatsApp Business also has an Application Programming Interface (API) for larger organisations, […]

UKCCF Midlands Networking Event

Our product director, Luke Porter, will be speaking at the UKCCF’s Midlands Networking Event on the 10th November in Leicester. Luke will be talking about Contact Centres and why they should embrace WhatsApp as a contact channel. WhatsApp has over 2 billion users worldwide. It is a trusted messaging platform, which presents a great opportunity […]

Why Businesses Must Embrace WhatsApp as a Contact Channel

I was at a conference last week and the speaker outlined the opportunity for WhatsApp as a contact channel perfectly. He said, ‘my mum is on Facebook, my dad is on Twitter, my kids are on TikTok and Instagram. But, they are ALL on WhatsApp. That’s the opportunity that businesses need to tap into as […]

Why Outsourcers Should Manage Trustpilot

It’s Essential To Manage Trustpilot Effectively In today’s digital age, brand reputation is everything. Trustpilot is the world’s leading review platform, where consumers share over 3 million reviews per month. Research shows, over 93% of consumers read reviews before buying online from an unfamiliar company. And over 90% of online shoppers have chosen not to […]

The Business Case for Trustpilot Auto Replies

A Business Case for Trustpilot Trustpilot is a public channel and, as such, needs to be managed effectively much like public social media channels. If you get a positive review, you should respond promptly to say ‘thank you’. And if you get a negative review, it’s even more important to have the resource in place […]

Working with Agencies to draw Powerful Insight from Trustpilot Reviews

Powerful Insight From Trustpilot Reviews We’ve just completed another successful Trustpilot project with an Agency partner. In this case, we uploaded over 3,000 historic reviews into the DigiDesk platform so we could perform a ‘deep dive’ into their customer comments. The end client had three main objectives from this work: 1. Key topics They wanted […]

Monitor & Manage Multilingual Reviews within DigiDesk

Managing Multilingual Reviews We have been working with Trustpilot for about a year and have several clients using the DigiDesk / Trustpilot integration. One of our clients has a single domain with reviews across multiple languages, including English, French, German and Italian. They asked us to explore multi-lingual and translation options… This particular client wanted […]

Creating Consistency Across Channel

Blog banner - Creating consistency across channel

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Trust Pilot Integration now Live in DigiDesk

Blog banner - Trustpilot integration now live in DigiDesk

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” bg_type=”image” parallax_style=”vcpb-vz-jquery” bg_image_new=”id^934|url^https://digi-desk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/abstract-digital-background.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^abstract-digital-background|description^null”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1614849700537{padding-top: 110px !important;padding-bottom: 140px !important;}”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Trust Pilot Meets DigiDesk” main_heading_color=”#ffffff” sub_heading_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:50px;tablet_portrait:38px;mobile:38px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:23px;” main_heading_line_height=”tablet_portrait:39px;mobile:39px;”][/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1612259282881{padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][row_separator scale=”0.5″ color1=”” color2=””][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Trust Pilot Integration now Live in DigiDesk” heading_tag=”h3″ main_heading_color=”#000000″ alignment=”left” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:24px;” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:35px;”]We are pleased to announce that our integration with Trust Pilot […]

10 social media challenges for the contact centre

Blog banner - Ten social media challenges for the contact centre

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” bg_type=”image” parallax_style=”vcpb-vz-jquery” bg_image_new=”id^934|url^https://digi-desk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/abstract-digital-background.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^abstract-digital-background|description^null”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1614850062790{padding-top: 110px !important;padding-bottom: 140px !important;}”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”10 Social Media Challenges” main_heading_color=”#ffffff” sub_heading_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:60px;tablet_portrait:38px;mobile:38px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:23px;” main_heading_line_height=”tablet_portrait:39px;mobile:39px;”][/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row”][vc_column][row_separator scale=”0.5″ color1=”” color2=””][ultimate_heading main_heading=”10 Social Media Challenges For The Contact Centre” heading_tag=”h3″ main_heading_color=”#000000″ alignment=”left” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:24px;” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:800″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:800;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:35px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Quicksand|font_call:Quicksand”]Over the past decade we have seen a revolution in social media, […]

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