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Speech Analytics

Automatic transcription and post-call audio summaries.

Smart Speech Analytics

DigiDesk uses Generative AI to automatically transcribe voice calls and provide audio summaries after each call ends. These audio summaries can then be used to provide a range of near real-time speech analytics.

Audio Summaries

DigiDesk AI can automatically transcribe and provide audio summaries for all voice calls using OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise service. The Generative AI triggers after each call ends, updating the Notes field with a summary of the call.

Notes Updates

The call summary contains a concise, high-level overview with the key moments that occurred during the call. This saves the agent having to add manual notes and provides a consistent set of call summaries for agents to review within Engagement.

Speech Analytics

DigiDesk can then display the transcribed audio summaries in near real-time to provide a range of text analytics. The audio summaries are shown in a comments style widget, with sentiment analysis, word clouds and trending keywords and topics.

Root Cause Analysis

All of the sentiment, keyword and word cloud widgets are ‘dynamic’ allowing users to drill down into key conversations and understand more about what is driving positive or negative sentiment and analyse key topics as they’re happening throughout the day.

Multi-lingual Translation

DigiDesk can also automatically transcribe and translate foreign language calls, from over 100 languages. This enables the provision of audio summaries for English calls and for foreign language calls in one common set of text analytics.

Audit Trail and Reports

DigiDesk provides the full transcript of every call in a comprehensive audit trail. There is also a full set of analysis reports, which can be viewed online, as PDF or CSV and can be scheduled to deliver your data on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Voice Services

Queue Buster

Voice Services

Queue Buster


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